
Best 7 accelerated nursing programs in ma in 2021

Nurses are always in demand and recently have become even more so. This has prompted an increase of people seeking accelerated nursing programs in MA. Most of these individuals have already obtained degrees in some field, although not all are in nursing. In order to qualify for accelerated nursing programs in MA, you don’t need to have a degree in a medical field, only a degree that shows your ability to succeed in higher education. There are often several other requirements. Accelerated nursing degrees can be either a BSN or an MSN, depending upon experience. The schools on this list are concentrated on the Bachelor’s degree.

The programs normally run continuously throughout the year without the normal summer breaks. The average program takes just under 18 months but this may vary depending on whether the student goes full-time. The accelerated nursing programs in MA sometimes take as long as 24 months but these are not the norm. Not many schools offer an accelerated program, especially at the Bachelor’s level. Those that do, however, are intensive and aim to provide a thorough course of education.

Entrance Requirements

Entrance requirements to accelerated nursing programs in MA vary but are fairly uniform in some of the basic requirements. In most cases, the student must have obtained at least a 3.0 GPA in the past, and this is definitely a requirement on any pre-requisite math and science classes. A personal interview is often required and so are a resume and recommendations. Many programs require the prospective student to have CPR certification and some also require an active CNA or LPN license. These are often in addition to an entrance exam that demonstrates competency and the general entrance requirements of the school.

Accelerated Nursing Programs in MA

1. Regis College of Nursing

Regis College requires prospective students to obtain at least a B- average in seven pre-requisite courses before they can be accepted. This program is widely recognized and places students in some of the top hospitals in the area for clinical training. These include pediatric nursing at Boston Children’s Hospital among others. The program boasts a full 93 percent passing rate on the NCLEX-RN exam. Ninety percent of their classes are taught by highly-respected members of the medical profession.

Cost: $61,605

Program Length: 16 months

2. Simmons College

With a student pass rate of 90 percent on the NCLEX-RN exam and a faculty consisting of all nursing professionals, Simmons College offers a program that produces highly sought after graduates. The entrance requirements are strict, with most applicants having obtained a minimum of 3.3 GPA in the past. The clinical ratio of students to teacher is 6:1, making this a program that is able to guide students on a more personal level than many programs. There are nine pre-requisite classes needed to enter this program and students must obtain a C+ or higher in all of them to be considered.

Cost: $61,100

Program Length: 16 months

3. University of Massachusetts (Amherst)

The University of Massachusetts offers an accelerated nursing degree that not only qualifies the student for licensing tests in MA but has also seen graduates meet the requirements for taking the licensing exams in 24 other states. This speaks to the scope and quality of their program. The school offers the necessary courses and it also approaches the subject of nursing from a slightly different perspective than most other programs. This program helps graduates learn what they need to advocate for proper care for vulnerable and under-served populations. The program also teaches recognition of the gaps in Nursing and helps students gain the insight to help find ways to fill those gaps.

Cost: $31,793 (resident), $51,114 (non-resident)

Program Length: 17 months

4. Curry College

Curry College limits its sessions to thirty students at most. These students work through the program in what is called the cohort system, where every member is in the same classes throughout. This offers a chance for the students to form relationships with each other that will often continue beyond graduation. All the students in this program have already obtained a Bachelor’s degree in the past. Older students often feel out of place when they return to school and the cohort method allows for a greater sense of companionship. Clinical experience is gained at top hospitals in the area. Upon graduation and passing of the licensing exam, graduates are prepared to work in most areas of the field including acute care, ambulatory care, community health, and mental health.

Cost: $60,150

Program Length: 16 months

5. Elms College

At Elms College, those already holding a degree in another subject can obtain their degree in Nursing in 20 months. This includes one summer session. The school also offers a chance for students to gain experience in inter-cultural care by going on a mission trip to Jamaica. For students who aim to practice in areas where there are many cultural differences, this offers a chance to become fully immersed in another culture as well as see the good their chosen profession can accomplish. This school also uses the cohort method of instruction and caps the group off at only 24 students to allow for greater bonding among the students and with the professors.

Cost: $52,534

Program Length: 20 months

6. MGH Institute of Health Professions

The accelerated nursing program at MGH Institute of Health Professions is a unique one. From the first day, students are immersed in the world of nursing through role-playing, one-on-one instruction, a state-of-the-art lab, and rooms that mimic real patient rooms. Scenarios are ongoing that allow students to learn how to brainstorm and work out solutions to problems related to patient care. Clinical experience can be gained in one of 300 different settings. Those who complete this program and take their exam leave with the feeling that they are ready to handle whatever scenario they come into contact with in the world of nursing because they’ve been through it.

Cost: $75,441

Program Length: 16 months

7. Northeastern University

For those who prefer more online learning, the program at Northeastern University may be a perfect choice. The majority of classes are taken in an e-learning format, with only clinical rotations being in-person. There are various formats in the lessons, from lectures to interactive modules. Admission to the program requires a previous GPA of 3.0 or higher, a video that answers some questions about you and your goals, and a statement of intent. Students must complete several pre-requisite courses, mainly in science., before being accepted into the program. The clinical experiences prepare graduates to work in a variety of settings including pediatrics and mental health.

Cost: $73,236

Program Length: 16 months

Ranking Method

We ranked the available programs offering accelerated nursing programs in MA by the length of the program, percentage of those passing the NCLEX-RN test at the first attempt, satisfaction of both graduates and employers of these graduates. If you feel we may have overlooked a program that would fit on this list, please let us know by submitting your school information. We will review it and consider including it in future, updated lists.

Prospective Students

Those seeking accelerated nursing programs in MA are often older students. We welcome inquiries from both newly graduated high school seniors, those looking to apply to schools, and those already in the workforce who want to further their careers or enter a new career completely. It is our goal to help you feel less stress as you seek out the exact type of program and school that you believe will help you achieve your future success. Reach out today to see how we can help you in your search.

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